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Feel free to open a thread for your Gosu-related project and its progress. This board is meant both as a source of inspiration for what can be built with Gosu as well as an informal contest to build the biggest game ;)

You can attach screenshots after posting via the “Attach” link.

All postings to this board with at least one attached screenshot are automatically eligible to hit the front page as the project of the day!
Topic User Posts Last Post
- Starfighter Gosu Tutorial masonhale 5 2011-01-31 09:34
- Unexpected Outcome - LD#19 Compo Entry ippa 1 2010-12-20 19:12
- 3D Map Editor bestguigui 7 2010-10-26 16:07
- Shoyson, my Gosu Compo 2010 entry is now for Windows Maverick 3 2010-08-31 02:06
- A _why'ish game for whyday ippa 5 2010-08-25 23:32
- GNORF - a LD#18 Compo Entry by ippa ippa 11 2010-08-24 17:25
- Zombie Fisticuff Quarrel LD#18 deps 4 2010-08-24 16:19
- Dead End inc. LD18 Basic 4 2010-08-23 09:27
- The Lost Battle - arcade game with PS3 controller support dreasgrech 11 2010-08-19 06:01
- Pixel Pang Preview [videoz] ippa 11 2010-08-18 16:52
- Castlevania: Moonlight Requiem. Trebor777 16 2010-08-12 18:09
- North Wind kyonides 1 2010-08-09 04:04
- - online high scores for your Gosu game ippa 14 2010-08-08 14:09
- Ultimate Comet V2.0 New Release phelps.db 11 2010-07-30 19:11
- Bwock on Google Code jblovloss 5 2010-06-16 14:26
- New spaceship game footage banister 1 2010-06-09 14:34
- Two weird spotlights banister 1 2010-06-09 14:31
- Sanguine - A roguelike game in Ruby / Gosu salin 6 2010-06-08 16:55
- Aster ickylevel 7 2010-06-07 09:25
- My platformer ickylevel 14 2010-06-05 22:17
- Pathfinding A* and Gosu bestguigui 3 2010-06-02 18:56
- Ludum Dare 17 entries using Gosu (four Ruby games) jlnr 2 2010-05-31 09:36
- The Shinobi Chef Gosu Game/App Competition 2009/2010 Shinobi Chef 62 2010-05-29 17:02
- Flonkerton - Gosu toys for the bored rubyist. Wintermute 1 2010-05-25 08:29
- Mariodic (Mario Galaxy + Metroid + Sonic = this) ChadyG 6 2010-05-24 03:12

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